LuvShack Cellars (2015 Best Label Dixon May Fair)
LuvShack Cellars (2015 Best Label Dixon May Fair)

The proprietors of this wine wanted something special for their port style late harvest Zinfandel, so we flipped the spectrum and reduced the label size to fit on the smaller 375 mm bottles. It pops against standard style and has won a blue ribbion for it's efforts.

LuvShack Cellars
LuvShack Cellars

The beauty of locally sourced grapes and a "working man's" winery inspired the stained, aged look of this label that looks stunning against a dark inky bottle that feels at home as much on a white tablecloth as it does a picnic table.

Little Red Hen
Little Red Hen

The first batch of Cabernet, some say, is the sweetest. The winery wanted something special to dazzle new drinkers of their product. This label was the only one of it's series to feature the angry chicken, and remains the most intriguing label to date.

LuvShack Cellars (2015 Best Label Dixon May Fair)
LuvShack Cellars
Little Red Hen
LuvShack Cellars (2015 Best Label Dixon May Fair)

The proprietors of this wine wanted something special for their port style late harvest Zinfandel, so we flipped the spectrum and reduced the label size to fit on the smaller 375 mm bottles. It pops against standard style and has won a blue ribbion for it's efforts.

LuvShack Cellars

The beauty of locally sourced grapes and a "working man's" winery inspired the stained, aged look of this label that looks stunning against a dark inky bottle that feels at home as much on a white tablecloth as it does a picnic table.

Little Red Hen

The first batch of Cabernet, some say, is the sweetest. The winery wanted something special to dazzle new drinkers of their product. This label was the only one of it's series to feature the angry chicken, and remains the most intriguing label to date.

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